Sunday, October 21, 2012

Starting Over.... Again

I cannot believe an entire month has passed since my last post.  Even worse, I have made absolutely zero progress on weight loss and health improvement.  In fact, you could argue I've even gone backwards.  I have eaten more pizza in these past four weeks than I should in a year, and pizza isn't the only take-out I've brought home this past month.  Needless to say my weight has slowly continued creeping up while whatever self-confidence I have continues to erode away.  Of course I could blather on about how these past 4 weeks have been particularly busy, which has only encouraged my bad habits, but that would just be an excuse.  Things are always going to be busy, especially as I try desperately to finish my dissertation in less than a year, and therefore it's always going to be harder to make dinner, go out for a run, etc.  Heck, you could argue that those changes are hard to make even if you have the easiest schedule in the world; addictions whether to food or drugs are in fact very difficult to break.  I just need to commit, which is easier said than done, especially when I like food and being lazy as much as I do.

I keep searching for something external to motivate me to change.  This is actually one of the prime reasons I started this blog, hoping that by making my struggle public, I would be motivated by readers to keep going.  Apparently, though making a public commitment isn't enough for me.  I suppose this isn't terribly surprising; I mean my own self-consciousness wasn't even enough to motivate me.  Recently, I looked to my doctor for inspiration.  Unfortunately, it appears my weight gain isn't of great concern to my physician since, as she said, "I'm very active."  Wait.  Did I really just say that it was unfortunate that my weight gain hasn't gotten to the point where it's "lose it or die?"  Did I just imply that it's going to take the threat of a weight-related a medical problem to get me to change?  I guess I did.  I don't want to believe it, but a bit part of me thinks it's true. 

In reality though what I really want is to never have to get the point where my doctor thinks my weight is even remotely a concern; I want my physicals to still conclude that I'm normal and healthy, not that I may be in the running for a heart attack or diabetes.  The fact that this is still apparently the case (though I still have a tough time believing this) is a good thing and I'm trying to think of it like that.  Rather than see it as a pass to continue eating bad food and drinking too much beer, I'm trying to see it as a "second chance"; the chance to make changes now while I am still healthy and not quite in the red zone.

So tomorrow starts a new schedule:  I will be getting up every day around 6:45am to working out for a minimum of 40 minutes.  This week, "workouts" will consist of walking and/or running, but the hope would be to eventually add some strength workouts once or twice a week.  I have always been strongly against waking up to workout, mostly because I value my sleep.  But lately I've been thinking about the benefits of getting the workout with over with at the start of the day.  Not only are there scientifically-examined weight loss benefits to exercising in the morning, getting up and out earlier would mean my workday gets started earlier, ensuring a productive day.  Getting to school earlier without having to workout afterwards also means I can get home earlier, which means I would be more like to make dinner, rather than order in.  I've only mentally committed to trying this routine for this week, but I have a feeling I'll try and keep it up for at least a little while.


JenA said...

Chels, I agree that it is easier when you have something to look forward to with the weight loss. For me it took my upcoming wedding/honeymoon to give me motivation.
Plan a vacation in a really warm place where a bathing suit is required 24/7 and give yourself a year to 9 months to get to that goal (plus you'll probably welcome the vacation after working your butt off in school!).
Good luck this month!!

Christine said...

You got it, Chels. We've all been there, stuck someplace or in a situation we can't seem to get out of. You are strong & kick-ass though, so I know you can rock it :)