Last week I signed up for the Seacoast 1/2 Marathon. Only 6 months early; no big deal. It's good to have some bigger to work towards now though. I'm actually pretty excited to run this race. I've been told that it's a fast course and has good goodies. It also draws a big crowd; the max registrant number (1200) is usually reached by mid-September. The goal time as of now is 1:43:43 (7:55/mile) which I think is pretty attainable if I meet the pre-goal goals of sticking to my training plan and losing weight. At the very least, I'd like a PR, which shouldn't be too hard, especially if I do even a fraction of the training I have planned.
My next race is coming up next weekend. I'm dragging Zach out again but this time only for a 5K. I don't really have a goal for this one, but sub-8:00/mile would be nice!
I've been doing ok with training though a death in the family last week resulted in no miles run for the week. It's been getting much more enjoyable to get out the door now that it's warmer out and lighter later. I'll only get to experience the nice Spring running for a couple more weeks though, which is a major bummer. I'm heading to Houston for the essentially month of May for a field project which'll mean a lot of treadmill running to avoid death by heatstroke and/or pollution inhalation. I'll also have to probably do most of my running in the early AM due to the workload demands of fieldwork, which is a drag. I'll have to get used to it though I guess; morning runs will probably be my reality for the NH summer which just might be worse than May in Houston minus the constant pollution problem.
Hey Chelsea,
I had to live in Houston for a couple of years in the mid-90s. It's not quite as bad as you might think, and there is a vibrant running community. My team there was the Bayou City Road Runners, nice bunch and I'm sure they'd be glad to have you join. They have plenty of group runs, and can hook you up with the best routes in town. There is a race nearly every weekend within a short drive, so you should have plenty to aim for running-wise.
- Douglas
That's good to hear, Douglas. The unfortunate thing is though that I'll essentially have to do all my runs really early or really late since I'll likely be pulling 12+ hour days. Ahh, the nature of field work. I'd definitely love to get some running routes from your former running group though!
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