Sunday, April 10, 2011

New Start, New Goals

Well here I go again with another comeback. After waking up with pretty intense achilles pain the morning after my last post, I decided it was time to really rest it. I haven't really run since then, with the exception of a 3-mile week (3 10-minute runs) a couple weeks ago. Not counting that psuedo-running week, I've been run-less for 5 weeks. Overall, my achilles does feel better but I have a sneaky feeling I'm not out of the woods yet. I still notice some "weirdness" when walking, almost like a slight stiffness or tightness. Nonetheless, I will still be getting back to running this week, albeit cautiously. Unlike my post-1/2 marathon foolishness, I will be coming back much much slower this; week one will only consist of three 10-minute runs followed by a week of three 15-minute runs, a week of three 20-minute runs, and then a week of three 3-milers. If I can make it up to the 3 miles pain-free then I'll consider longer runs of 4-5 miles and possibly some "easy" workouts (fartleks/tempos). This plan should put me in ok shape for the Freihofer's Run for Women 5K, the one race I will to do before heading up to Summit, Greenland for research in June.

So restart the clock and reset the goals: I have eight weeks until the Freihofer's and thus 8 weeks to train consistently. Here's a closer look at this week's training:

Monday -- 04/11 -- Run Easy 10 minutes, Exercise bike 20 minutes, Stretch

Tuesday -- 04/12 -- Strength Class

Wednesday -- 04/13 -- OFF

Thursday -- 04/14 -- Run Easy 10 minutes, Exercise bike 20 minutes, Stretch

Friday -- 04/15 -- OFF

Saturday -- 04/16 -- Run Easy 10 minutes, Exercise bike 20 minutes, Strength, Stretch

Sunday -- 04/17 -- OFF OR Bike 60 minutes (if the weather's nice)

TOTAL: 3 miles